The housemates only have a basic shopping budget this week so they are being forced to cotemplate extreme measures.Lounging in the bedroom, Gerry came up with a genius plan. "The shopping budget," announced Gerry. "I have resolved it."Having commanded the full attention of Ziggy, Tracey and Charley, Gerry then explained: "From now on we'll be cooking somebody. We shall resort to cannibalism." "That's a little bit extreme," considered Ziggy. "We have to start with Amanda," Gerry said, settling upon alphabetical order as the fairest way choose who will be dinner. "Or should we start from the bottom? We'll start from Ziggy.""I taste like sausage," Ziggy informed him.
"Ziggy is lean meat," Gerry laughed. "The sausage will just be a starter."
Calm down Gerry- who will entertain the ladies if you have Ziggy and mash for dinner?
Tagged in Big Brother