Shabnam is in trouble again but this time it wasn't her fault.Ziggy and Emily had to break some pretty bad news to Shabnam last night.The pair were told off by Big Brother for discussing nominations, but in a tricky twist they were ordered to elect another housemate to take their punishment. They chose Shabnam. Smooth-talking Ziggy had to sweeten some pretty sour medicine."We have to choose one person to get punished," Ziggy explained. "We can't get punished ourselves, otherwise we would have fully taken the punishment." "You'd lost us the bathroom so therefore maybe it should be you that got punished," Emily reasoned. Fame-obssessed Shabnam took the news pretty well. "Yeah, I'll take the punishment," she conceded. "Don't be upset, I'm absolutely fine."
Let's see if she's still so understanding when she finds out what BB has in store for her later today- watch this space for the latest news.
Tagged in Big Brother