Big Brother 6 - In a surprise twist the Big Brother girls will be shown videos of three blokes on screens and they will have to choose which one they want to join them in da house!But BB bosses were still undecided whether to send one or two blokes into the spiders lair.The change of plan follows a mass demand from the girls as they begged the special one in the Diary Room for boys and booze, with Laura adding it would be good to have two blokes.Some of the girls were even threatening to become lesbians, out of deperation at the lack of male company.. Shabnam confided in Charley: "Me and you will just become lesbians and have a good time, and all the guys will be after us."To get the lusty lasses minds off sex and men Big Brother set the first of the series tasks the Big Brother Breakdancing Championships.The housemates split into two teams, led by Shabnam and Carole, dressing in costumes they were tasked to devised their own routines.Caroles team took the honours after Emily wowed housemates with a caterpillar, cartwheel and other smooth moves, then confessed: "Ive never done that before."
But Charley suffered a bout of the blues becoming very tearful on the first full day weeping as the pressures of being on TV hit home.
Bosses meanwhile rubbed there hands as it was revealed the show had drawn in over eight million viewers for Wednesday's launch show - the same number as last year.
Tagged in Big Brother