Go Stevey!

Go Stevey!

Since yesterday morning robots have risen up and taken over the Big Brother House. For this week's shopping task housemates have been trying to take back control by taking on the robots in a series of epic Man V Machine battles.

So far, Ben, Josie, Nathan and Coaimhe have battled with the robots - with Josie and Nathan failing to beat their metal nemesis. This means that for the duration of the task Josie and Nathan will be robots. Corin and Ife were also caught out by the Chaser-Bot 3000 in the Garden which means they have also joined the dark side.

BigB steve

At 2pm today it was Steve's turn to take on Titan in a battle of the egg whiskers. In the Robo Room Titan was armed with a whisker deluxe where human housemate Steve was left with a mere standard hand egg whisker.

The battling duo had to whisk their egg whites with Big Bro Bot judging who wins. Following Nathan's steps in standing up to Titan Steve confidently called Titan a cry baby before the challenge commenced.

BigB steve

It was man who was victorious as Titan failed to keep a grip on his bowl, spilling the contents over the table. For winning his task Steve will stay a human housemate for the remainder of the task and will take part in one final show down later today.

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