Andrew nominated Sam with a bucket of Custard and Steve with a bucket of gunge.
Corin nominated Sam with custard and Jo also with custard.
Dave nominated Mario with mud and Jo with yet more custard.
JJ nominated Steve with spaghetti and beans, and Mario with gunge.
Jo nomintaed Corin with gunge and Dave with spaghetti and beans.
John James nomiated Corin with gunge and Mario with Big Brothers special sauce.
Josie nominated JJ with Big Brothers special sauce and Andrew with beans and spaghetti.
Mario nominated Dave with mud and JJ with Big Brothers special sauce.
Sam nominated Dave with Big Brothers special sauce, and Jo with beans and spaghetti.
Steve nominated JJ with Mud and Mario with mud.
Mario received 4 nominations.
Jo, Dave and JJ all received 3 nominations.
Sam, Steve and Corin received 2 nominations.
Andrew received 1 nomination.
John James and Josie were the only housemates to receive no nominations and no gunking.
To confirm: The housemates facing Save and Replace are:
All four housemates will face their Save and Replace task later TODAY.
More news to follow.
Tagged in Big Brother