Big Brother 10 Freddie

Big Brother 10 Freddie

Freddie is going to stop analysing his ‘Big Brother’ housemates.

I really hope I survive this eviction. That'd be very nice

The Oxford graduate - who is up for eviction for the third time running this week -decided earlier today (26.06.09) to take time out from psychologically assessing the house.

He told Big Brother in the Diary Room: "I’m gonna give myself a break from analysing the social dynamics and just chill. I’m just gonna chat with people and exchange stories, make connections, you know?"

Despite saying this, he then started off on a typically analytical train of thought, before realising and stopping himself.

He said: "I'm happy to take Siavash's advice and back off on the ‘sword of truth’ for now. People may reflect in the backs of their minds about what I said about wolves and sheep... erm, oops, Gosh."

Freddie has told other housemates his theory there are wolves and sheep - with the protagonists of the house named wolves and the more easygoing and impressionable housemates sheep - and he and Siavash arrived at the decision Kris was a wolf yesterday (25.06.09).

Freddie - aka Halfwit - told the Iranian party planner: "Notice very carefully the difference between someone who is happy and someone who is pleased with themselves."

Ending his chat with Big Brother Freddie said: "I really hope I survive this eviction. That'd be very nice."

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