Big Brother - Noirin

Big Brother - Noirin

Noirin’s game plan seems to be coming to light after she admitted to Marcus that she uses her looks to get her own way.

Not one to float her own boat or anything, the Irish lass has said that people always go out of their way to do things for her because of the way she looks.

She explained; "I feel like sometimes people always feel like they need to do things for me," To which Marcus added; "You do realise how beautiful you are though, don't you?"

"That's got nothing to do with it," she said, "All my life I've used my looks as a weapon to get what I want, I want to use my personality."

Marcus, quite rightly added that he felt the same way when it came to helping out with DIY, saying; “It's like I'm a living tool," that you are.

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

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