Earlier John James and Josie turned their microphones off and were whispering under a duvet in the bedroom. At one point Josie could be heard telling John James that he wouldn't hurt her but later John James said that their relationship was becoming like Shabby and Caoimhe.
Josie took offence to this comment replying that she was not the Shabby in the relationship. Is the pressure of a possible Big Brother romance just too much for our resident Aussie to handle?
Following this comment John James strolled into the garden and exited into the camera runs through a fire escape telling housemates that he was sorry. John James spent a few minutes in the camera runs, never properly leaving the house, before returning and going to speak to Big Brother in the Diary Room.
Returning to the house John James had a heart to heart with Josie saying that he didn't want her to resent him for not liking her as much as she likes him and that his reasons for leaving were not because of her feelings for him but because he couldn't handle not speaking to her, saying "In the outside world I could talk to you properly" and that he was worried that he was "making her look like an idiot".
Tagged in Big Brother