What's going on here chaps?

What's going on here chaps?

Yesterday saw Corin & JJ at it again as they played footsie in the garden. But little did poor Corin know that it was all part of JJ's secret task!

As the Personal Space Invader, JJ had to approach each housemate and maintain physical contact with them for as long as possible, without raising their suspicions that they are involved in a task. The clock started as soon as they made physical contact and stopped as soon as that contact was broken.

The Scientist (Andrew) recorded how long JJ invaded each housemates personal space for from the laboratory in the Small Task Room.

JJ and Andrew successfully carried out the experiment, and will therefore be rewarded with a special dinner this evening. JJ and Andrew will be joined at the dinner by those housemates whose personal space was invaded for longer than three minutes, these are CORIN, JOSIE and SAM.

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