Big Brother is in an experimental mood, and would like to answer the age old question: can a person be stuck to a wall using glue or tape? In order to find out, housemates must use glue and tape to attempt to stick two housemates to a wall in the garden.
One housemate was called to the Diary Room to take on the role of the Scientist. Mario was the first to the diary room, and therefore was the Scientist. Mario then had to make a hypothesis about today’s experiment, the options are as follows:
One Housemate will successfully stick a to a wall.
Two Housemates will successfully stick a to the walls.
Neither Housemate will stick to the walls.
During the experiment the Scientist, Mario, is isolated in the small task room. If Mario’s initial hypothesis matches the results of the experiment, then he will win a dinner of sticky pork ribs and sticky toffee pudding for himself in the diary room.
Mario picked Ben to be stuck up by tape and John James by glue. Mario chose Ife and Caoimhe to assist Ben to be taped the wall, and chose Dave and Josie to glue John James to the wall.
Mario predicted that only one Housemate would be successfully stuck to the wall.
Ben asked to be cut down 2 minutes before the end of the task, and was cut down immediately by Ife and Caoimhe. Therefore, concluding that a Housemate can not be successfully taped onto a wall.
When the block was pulled out from underneath John James, he successfully stuck to the wall by the glue for several minutes. Mario’s prediction turned out to be correct, and therefore passed the task. He won himself a prize dinner of sticky ribs and sticky toffee pudding, which he enjoyed by himself in the diary room.
Tagged in Big Brother