Noirin might be attracting all the Big Brother men, but she has finally admitted that she has "created a monster" and needs to stop sending mixed messages to other housemates.
After we saw her arguing with Marcus about her behaviour towards the housemates, she went to the Diary Room and told Big brother that she’s just a naturally flirty person.
Now, this could be true, but I think Noirin went into the house with the plan to flirt with all the guys so they don’t nominate her, and even though she claims to have put Marcus straight, he still claimed in a conversation with Siavash that she let him put his hand; “Somewhere it shouldn’t have been.”
Now at the same time, I’m becoming a bit sick of Marcus’ conversation with Siavash when he tried to act like Noirin does in fact fancy him, and at the moment, I cant decide who is playing the biggest game, because you know what guys are like, they will exaggerate to make themselves look better.
One things for sure though, Marcus’ posturing and posing hasn’t done him any favours and he’s getting my vote for eviction this week.
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Big Brother