Big Brother 10 Marcus
The foul mouthed, mulleted ‘Big Brother’ housemate was given a surprise when the house’s weekly shopping arrived - a jail area had been erected especially for him.
The ‘Big Brother’ jail was a fixture in the show last year for housemates who broke the rules, and has been brought back after the present contestants have repeatedly broken the rules, mainly by using inappropriate language, making veiled or indirect threats and talking about nominations.
On Wednesday night (22.07.09) Marcus spoke of his distrust for new housemate Tom and said if he called him a "t**t" again he would "put my fist through is face".
This is thought to be the main reason behind his jailing yesterday, which saw him caged until 3am, when he was finally allowed to bed.
Marcus’ incarceration also meant he was out of the way for long enough for Siavash and Noirin to consummate their secret romance, and kiss.
If the truth about the couple is revealed it is sure to lead to a difficult situation, as Marcus has made no secret of his affections for Noirin, although she has repeatedly rejected his advances.
Meanwhile, the housemates have been speculating that a new housemate will be introduced to the house tonight (24.07.09), to replace Kenneth, who walked out of the show yesterday.
While tonight’s eviction has been cancelled, Kenneth will appear to give a TV interview about his five days in the house.
Tagged in Big Brother