Posh boy Benjamin has blasted the 'feminist' group of Shabby, Ife and Caoimhe - claiming they’re out to get the boys in the house.
During a conversation with John in the nest, Ben aired his fears that the girls were taking Rachael (with whom both boys have argued) under their wing as part of their tactics. Ben said: "Shabby is the weak one and she emotionally blackmails the other girls. Those girls would not pay any attention to Rachael outside here."
He then warned John James that he’s getting angry at the wrong girl, saying: "I know you are frustrated with Rachael but I think Shabby is the far greater problem." Yikes.
What do you think? Are the uber-feminists out to get them, or are they just too busy trying to be fashionable?
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Big Brother