Stephanie has agreed to marry Mario.

He loves you, and you love him. What more could you want?

The bodybuilder has been pretending to be 19-year-old Stephanie’s boyfriend after Big Brother gave the pair and fellow housemates Luke and Lisa - Mario’s real girlfriend - a secret task.

But Big Brother took the fake couple’s lie one step further by forcing Mario to get down on one knee.

Mario muttered "oh man" as he walked out of the Diary Room (3.40pm), where he was told to pop the question within two hours this afternoon (06.06.08), but claimed the chat was about his radio.

But less than an hour ago, Mario gathered housemates around the pool to hear his proposal and lifted his ‘fiancee’ in the air when she said "yes" - to cheers from other contestants.

A stunned Lisa looked on at the scene and admitted she was shocked.

Motor-mouth Rebecca - who earlier asked the ‘couple’ if they were together as part of a task - told Stephanie she thought she was going to say no.

Rachel added: "He loves you, and you love him. What more could you want?"