Big Brother

Big Brother

In tonight's show…

Day 8

Most of the housemates are in the bedroom. Ben is talking to Mario about how bitching in the house is getting worse. Mario asks Ben if he is hanging up his bitching hat. Ben tells him, "I don't actually bitch", but says sometimes he wants to.

John James and Josie are in the shower talking about Rachael. John James says he's not going to like someone who stares at him like she does. Josie says she can't be bothered with the stress.


Josie, Ife and Rachael are in the garden talking about the conversation Rachael and John James had last night. Rachael explains that she tried to tell him she likes him but that he told her she was arrogant.

John James is in the Diary Room talking about one housemate leaving on Friday. He says he'd be upset if Sunshine leaves and that he likes Shabby; he spoke to her last night properly for the first time. Referring to Rachael he says, "if she's willing to change that look on her face then I'll make time for her".

Rachael is in the garden telling some of her fellow housemates that she clicks with most people but not John James, "When I go into a room in a room he doesn't want to talk to me".

In the Diary Room John James is telling Big Brother that Rachael told him he was attractive and that, "she likes me more than friends". He adds, "She fancies me but I don't really care. If you've got a face like thunder then I'm not really interested. " He continues that he thinks Corin is, "very, very, very attractive", adding that Corin doesn't have a personality like a fish, and that she's one of the nicest people he's met in real life.


Big Brother has called all the housemates to the Living Room to reveal this week's shopping task. George Lamb appears on the plasma screen and explains that with Big Brother going off air after this series there will be time for new television programs. George tells the housemates he has created three amazing ideas for game shows which the housemates will try out. If they are successful they will gain money for their shopping budget.


All the housemates are locked in the bedroom whilst Big Brother prepares the first TV game show in which two knowledgeable housemates will compete in a quiz. Ben and Sunshine will be taking part in this first task.

Rachael tells Ben how smart he looks and so Ben hugs Rachael from behind. Once Ben has moved away Govan tells Rachael that the hug was uncomfortable looking, Shabby adds it was uncomfortable to watch.

Some of the housemates are talking about Ben. Josie says he looks handsome and Mario says he's staying away as it's, "too tempting". Ben joins the conversation to which John James tells him they were talking about how much Mario likes him. John James begins to question if Ben likes Mario. Ben says, "I love Mario", to which John James tells him to get his, "mack on".


Ben and Sunshine are in the bedroom waiting to be called to the Living Room to start their part of the task. Ben tells Sunshine, "I wish I was more like you. You bounce back very quickly", adding that the dynamics in the house have changed. Sunshine says she might be voted out tomorrow and that dynamics might change if she leaves. Ben tells her, "not really".

George Lamb introduces the game show "Old Head, Hot Topic" where Ben and Sunshine need to guess correctly who or what pensioners screened on the plasma are talking about.

After Sunshine and Ben have introduced themselves in the Living Room the quiz begins. "I remember '66 and not getting paid", says one pensioner. Another says, "over paid". Ben correctly guesses the England football squad whilst Sunshine thinks they were talking about the Shadow Cabinet".

At the end of the quiz Ben correctly guessed three answers and Sunshine two answers winning housemates a grand total of £50 towards this weeks shopping budget.


Mario and Sunshine are in the living room. Mario says it's been a weird day. Sunshine says that she could be gone tomorrow and Mario tells her he hope's not. Out of the three that are up for eviction, he doesn't want her to go, he would be so upset.

Some of the housemates are in the garden. Corin is trying to make Ben laugh by jumping around. John James asks Ben if everyone tells him he's very serious. Ben says it's very hard to laugh when you're, "locked in a box", with 13 other people. He says he's happy but he misses things. Ben also says that he's not used to being in a group and finds it difficult.


Some of the housemates are in the garden talking about this week's eviction. Rachael says she knew Dave would pick her as they've never had a one to one. She adds that she told her friends on the outside that if she was up for eviction in the first week she'd be gone. John James asks why and Rachael says people may perceive her as being arrogant. "Why would they ever think that?" John James asks sarcastically.


For the second part of the task Shabby, Dave, Nathan, Corin, Josie, and Steve will take part in Munchermind. The six housemates have been called to the task where they're told they need to eat the answer to Big Brother's questions. At least one housemate must get all 10 correct answers in order to win£150 towards this weeks shopping budget. Housemates will be eliminated if they eat the wrong answer or choose not to eat anything at all.

The first question is what is the baddie from Ghostbusters made out of. Everybody eats the marshmallow.

To the second question Steve says the answer, caviar, out loud. For this he is eliminated for cheating.

Shabby is eliminated from the third round for failing to eat a clove of garlic and as is Nathan who, like Steve, said the answer aloud.

Dave, Corin, Josie complete the task. As it's a tie break they have to eat the remaining food on their plates to crown the winner. Dave is the quickest member of the team to do this.


Rachael is in the Diary Room. "I just feel dead embarrassed about John" she says. "I think he wants me out and that's sad because I think he's fit".

Govan, Josie and John James are in the bedroom. Unbeknownst to them Shabby is still in her bed. Govan gives his opinion on who could be evicted and says he believes Rachael will stay. On Shabby, he says it depends on how she's been shown in the house and whether they've shown her tantrums. John James tells them he doesn't think Sunshine will go.

Josie says that she thinks Rachael is nice, to which John James says, "if she doesn't take that look off her face". Govan says that he thinks John James loves her but John James denies it.

Shabby and Caoimhe jump out of bed and go to the Carousel. "I'm p***** off Govan said that", Shabby says to her.

Back in the Bedroom Rachael walks in as John James exits. Rachael tells Govan and Josie, "I like him, he hates me". Govan asks if she's into him and she responds, "You know". Josie says "I think its sexual tension". Rachael doesn't think so.

Shabby enters the bedroom. Josie asks if they p***** her off, Shabby says yeah because they're talking about her while she's sitting there.


All of the housemates are at the dining table eating dinner. The girls are talking about getting magazine deals after leaving the house. Shabby says "I'll be a slut", and pose for Nuts.

John James says to Ben, "I'm getting angry now", referring to what the girls are talking about. John James says to the girls, "You can't be f****** serious" and says that they're just a bunch of people in a house, "F*** me…we're just a bunch of normal people". Rachael exits crying and Corin turns to John James to tell him, "We're not interested in your opinion".

Shabby is talking to a crying Rachael in the bathroom. Shabby tells Rachael that Ben obviously, "has an issue with you".

In the kitchen Corin is talking to John James, "No need to be shouting", she tells him. John James replies, "I wasn't talking to you". Nathan intervenes and says he's not having shouting during dinner time.


John James and Corin are in the bedroom discussing what happened earlier. John James tells her, "To come into this house and to think you won't be able to go back to our lives after a week is ridiculous. Corin tells him, "stop getting stressed out". The two make up before John James adds, "I just feel some people are in here for the wrong reasons."

In the bedroom Shabby talks to John James, "You and her are having a massive case of clashing personalities and I don't think you can rectify it…I think you two should stay away from each other", she tells him before adding, "Don't shout at her again".


In the Nest Ben, Mario and Dave are discussing Rachael. Ben says it's, "becoming a nightmare…its outrageous". He adds he supports John. "unquestionably". Ben and Dave say that the girls have formed a tight group. Ben says he adores women but not women who don't like men and, referring to Shabby, Caoimhe, and Ife, calls them the, "three witches".


Shabby is in the Diary Room talking about her day. She thinks she's been all over the place and it's been, "drama central". She's dreading the eviction and doesn't want to leave. "Rachael's had a tough day" she says. She goes on to discuss the argument earlier saying, "I didn't come to be everyone's best friend", adding, "I don't think John James is nasty but he needs to keep it to himself because he's making her feel like crap".

Big Brother asks what Shabby is looking forward to tomorrow. Shabby says she's looking forward to winning the shopping budget and not having an argument, "That will be nice… Don't have to have one everyday"

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