Big brother 10

Big brother 10

Big Brother Update - The ‘Big Brother’ housemates are launching their own magazine.

In the wake of winning their ‘Little House Of Horrors’ challenge, the contestants have been handed another opportunity to win treats for the house by creating their own magazine.

The various housemates will have to split themselves into the following roles: Editor, stylist, hair and make-up artist, journalist, gossip columnist, photographer and two make-over candidates.

They will then have two hours to produce a magazine containing the following: A make-over feature for two of the housemates, interviews with those nominated for eviction, exclusive photographs from inside the ‘Big Brother’ House, and a ‘Big Brother’ gossip column.

In order to get into their roles, the housemates will be provided with costumes, as well as a camera, Dictaphone and blackboards and chalk, as well as four magazines as examples. They will not, however, have any access to computers to assist them in producing their final publication.

If the housemates’ work is to a satisfactory standard, they will then be allowed to celebrate at a ‘launch party’ later tonight.

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