

Big Brother Day 67 - The ‘Big Brother’ housemates passed a ‘human spinning tops’ challenge yesterday (08.08.09)

Bea collected the task from the Diary Room and therefore became referee.

David fell over, so he didn't perform excellently. I think Siavash performed well

Of the remaining eight housemates, four - Sophie (Dogface), David, Charlie and Siavash - became spinning tops, tasked with matching the tempo of a record by turning on wooden discs set up in the garden.

The other four - Freddie (Halfwit), Rodrigo, Lisa and Marcus - assumed the role of the spinners, helping their housemates maintain their speed.

The spinning tops also had to keep their brightly coloured, long skirts above their knees while turning and once the music had stopped, drop a wooden block through a corresponding hole to show they weren’t too disorientated, in order to pass the task.

After much excitement - soundtracked by the song ‘Dizzy’ by The Wonder Stuff - Bea went to get the results in the Diary Room.

Upon entering she was excited to find they had passed and been awarded five house tokens.

Judging the others’ performances, she said: "I would have much preferred to be a spinner. Spinning is something I'm quite good at as it happens. There wasn't really a good allocation of talent, but we got through it.

"David fell over, so he didn't perform excellently. I think Siavash performed well."

She then requested alcohol for the house in return for one of the tokens.

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