Big Brother 10 Sree

Big Brother 10 Sree

Big Brother’ housemate Sree is paranoid about being evicted.

It's jokes, but you should be careful. Just relax, don't joke, do nice

Last night (09.06.09) the Indian student was becoming increasingly worried about how he is perceived by the other housemates and viewers of the show.

He said to Sophie: "My main worry is not me, but you all. Because I hope I'm not annoying you all. People start to express and this is the time people get thrown out. Like, kicked out, evicted."

Earlier in the evening it appeared Sree had fallen out with Rodrigo, who later emerged from the reality show’s Diary Room crying.
Sree, 25, has also had a difficult time with glamour model Karly this week after he told her dressing in revealing clothes didn’t give off the right message to viewers.

Siavash also gave Sree some advice before they all went to bed telling him: "You live with 15 people, cool it a little bit. Don't change yourself, just cool it down.

"It's jokes, but you should be careful. Just relax, don't joke, do nice."

Sree later wondered if Big Brother would provide him with sleeping tablets.

The 15 housemates voted as to who would be up for eviction yesterday (09.06.09) with Freddie and Sophia reportedly getting six votes each and facing public eviction on Friday’s (12.06.09) live show.

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