Personally I cant decide which one of the nominees I want to see the back of most this week - vain Rachael, attention seeking Shabby or just plain annoying Sunshine, either way though, im glad it‘s given them something to think about.
While smoking in the garden, Shabby said to Rachael that they have no idea of knowing what the public have seen, to which Beyonce wannabe Rachael agreed: "We don't know what's been shown, we could look like bullies."
Not only that, but Shabby had a whine over Dave’s decision to put Rachael up for eviction in place of himself; "I feel a bit annoyed, I sat there yesterday with them playing that stupid throwing the sock game. I tried to make an effort." Erm, hello? He didn’t put YOU up did he?
She then added: "I'm just so scared, man." Rachael agreed, but said: "I'm glad we can talk about it though."
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Big Brother