

Rodrigo is Siavash’s favourite wife.

Hello. I think I know who my favourite wife is. I’ll have you for tonight!

As part of this week’s Tudor shopping task, Siavash has been crowned King of the ‘Big Brother’ house and has chosen six wives to mirror those of King Henry VIII, whom he is portraying in honour of his 580th birthday tomorrow (23.06.09).

The event organiser - who will wear pink tights and a ruffle-collared shirt - took a shine to Brazilian student Rodrigo as he staggered around in ill-fitting high heeled shoes and a navy gown.

He said: "Hello. I think I know who my favourite wife is. I’ll have you for tonight!"

Sophie - aka Dogface - Karly, Angel, Freddie and Sree have also donned 16th century dresses and will perform a Tudor madrigal - a vocal chorus performance - for the challenge as Siavash’s royal wives.

The two courtiers - Kris and Charlie - will learn a traditional dance for tomorrow’s banquet, which will be cooked by Noirin and Lisa.
Meanwhile, Bearded carpenter Marcus was chosen as the village idiot and must play Greensleeves on the recorder.

After the lavish supper, Siavash will be questioned on his knowledge of Henry VIII.

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