Big Brother 10 Marcus

Big Brother 10 Marcus

Karly branded Marcus a "disgusting pig" in a diary room rant.

The Scottish beauty queen was infuriated by the window fitter after he called her a "piece of meat" who was only chosen as a ‘Big Brother’ contestant because of her good looks.

She told Big Brother: "Marcus is a disgusting, grotty, sexist pig and I cannot stand him.  He makes stupid, wee comments. He's really grating on me.

"One more comment to me I'm gonna lose my rag. I think he's a disgusting pig. He's really rubbed me up the wrong way. I cannot bear him. Pieces of meat? I don't think so.

"Marcus knows I dislike him. I've avoided him as much as I can. I've no time for the guy."

The 35 year old had risked Karly’s wrath by telling her: "You got in here as a bit of meat, as did I.
"Siavash got in here as a pile of clothes. Look at you, look at me, look at Sophie. We got in here on how we look."

Despite her outrage, Karly admitted she had not confronted her housemate over his remarks, saying: "I don't want to waste my breath on him."

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