With the new series of Made In Chelsea bringing some of the most chaotic, cringiest and exciting episodes to the small screen to-date, we got the chance to catch up with series star Ollie Locke, to find out all about the show, its biggest misconceptions and much more.

Why did you decide to come back to Made In Chelsea following your absence?
There are loads of reasons really, but mainly I missed the crew and cast. We are such a tight family and we grew so close that I needed to come home. I felt there was almost unfinished business.
How much drama is packed into this new series of the show?
I think there is always drama with any group, especially a group of young twenty somethings who all go out too much. But the drama is often based around love; something that we all go through, and no-one can avoid the pain of. With the beautiful setting of Chelsea, it becomes something else entirely, something relatable.
Binky and JP - would you like to see the pair romantically involved?
I think I am the only one who has really wanted this to happen! I am a big fan of JP; he's a bloody lovely guy. I know that the way he acted in LA was wrong, but he was very insecure and wasn't sure what to make of this relationship. I think they would make the most wonderful couple!
Will we see your own love life blossom at all in the new series?
The reason why I left Made In Chelsea was to explore the idea of a relationship off camera, and after my year-long relationship ended, I was ready to come back to the show and apparently have landed straight in the thick of it!
What do you think are some of the biggest misconceptions about Made In Chelsea?
That it's fake - the thing I hate most about putting our lives on camera is people not understanding how real it really is. I went through one of the hardest break-ups of my life on camera, and people believed it was all fake. It was actually quite upsetting.

We've seen you tackle Celebrity Big Brother - are there any other reality shows you'd like to be involved with?
I won't be doing any reality shows for a while. I have been offered a few but I want to come home and back to Chelsea with other projects I will be doing alongside. Big Brother was wonderful, but for the time being, I'm home!
What other projects do you have coming up in the next few months that you can share some details about?
I would love to chat more about everything but for the moment I can't... All I can say though is that it's quite a year ahead!
Made In Chelsea continues Mondays, 9pm on E4.
Tagged in Made in Chelsea ollie locke