Tom Walker is leading a host of celebrities promoting a new mental health initiative.

Tom Walker
The former 'Love Island' contestant has been sporting a T-shirt with the slogan 'It's OK To Feel S.H.I.T', for the So Happy In Town project set up by mental health advocate Susie Weaver and raising funds for charity amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Tom wrote on Instagram: "I was approached by this company to help promote mental health awareness, specifically for young people. The profit from every t-shirt sale is going to the YoungMinds charity. Their aim is to encourage young people to open up and to smash the stigma around mental health. We want to spread the message that it is ok to speak about your feelings. It's ok to feel sh*t. It's ok to ask for help. It's ok not to be ok.
"I want you guys to know that its normal to have down days and you should be able to talk about what is making you feel that way.
"I've always struggled with direction and purpose. Over the years I didn't fully understand this, I buried the feelings... and it wasn't until I started to open up to people around me I realised that it had really been affecting my mental health for a long time. Over the last year, I've finally swallowed my pride and opened up to the people closest to me, talking honestly and freely about anything and everything. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, to take that step and come out from behind the 'mask' of pretending everything was fine."
Tom explained that he and other celebrities - including Joe Marler, Jason Leonard, Nell McAndrew, Lucy Benjamin, Jack Green, Rachel Burden, Kelli-Leigh, and Milly Thomas - are trying to start a conversation around mental health.
He explained: "What I'm trying to say is just start that conversation. Understand that it is ok to feel sh*t and it's ok to ask for advice or help. If you haven't got someone close to you there are many outlets for you to seek help, and YoungMinds is one of them.
"I, like everyone else on this planet, am not perfect. It's ok not to be perfect and it's ok to be struggling. Being honest with yourself and those around you is so important and it will make you feel better, I truly believe a problem shared is a problem halved. You'd be amazed how forthcoming others are with guidance, help and support once you take that step and talk."
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Tagged in Tom Walker