Netflix will continue on with their true crime original shows this year with the release of 13-part documentary series, The Staircase. The real-life courtroom thriller will showcase the workings of a high-profile murder trial, examining contemporary American justice and bringing the compelling case of Michael Peterson – a crime novelist accused of killing his wife after she’s found at the bottom of their home’s staircase – to the streaming platform. The first trailer for the series has been released this week, and you can check it out below:
The documentary series comes from Academy Award-winning filmmaker Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, who was granted unprecedented access to the case immediately after Kathleen’s death in her mansion, in North Carolina. With cameras on hand to capture each moment of Michael Peterson’s story, from his arrest, to the verdict, and taking in intimate details from his defence team, family, and Michael himself, this is a look into one of the most famous criminal cases America has ever seen.
This is a series that has hit the small screen before, but this time round, Netflix have gotten their hands on three new episodes that are set to air alongside the original.
The Staircase comes to Netflix across the globe on June 8, 2018.
Tagged in Netflix