Sir Ian McKellen has revealed Balthazar the dog on 'Vicious' "smells" really bad.

Sir Ian McKellen

Sir Ian McKellen

The 76-year-old actor says the pooch pongs on set and has an annoying habit of sitting with his legs "wide open", traits which put him off his profession.

McKellen - who stars in 'Vicious' with Frances de la Tour and Derek Jacobi - told The Guardian newspaper: "I don't find it easy working with Balthazar in Vicious. He just lies around with his legs wide open. And he smells. I'm glad not of that is true of Sir Derek."

The ITV comedy follows gay couple Freddie [McKellen] and Stewart [Jacobi] who have been together for 50 years and have a love/hate relationship.

The series, which was first shown in April 2013 received 5.78 million viewers.

Meanwhile, asked what his biggest fear is, McKellen said: "Professionally, forgetting my lines. Elsewhere, being in a car crash."

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