Sarah Lancashire will star in Jack Thorne's new series 'The Light'.

Sarah Lancashire

Sarah Lancashire

The 54-year-old actress - who previously appeared in the 40-year-old screenwriter's drama 'Kiri', which aired last year - has signed up to be the lead character of his new four-part Channel 4 series, in which she will play the wife of a local politician who is trying to bring together a shattered community.

Sarah - who will play Polly in the upcoming show - said: "This is the most wonderful opportunity to work with Channel 4, 'The Forge', and Jack Thorne's masterly writing once again.

"'The Light' is a fiercely powerful piece; shocking and emotive and I feel extremely privileged to be a part of it."

Jack - who has also penned BAFTA winner 'National Treasure' - is eager to work with Sarah again following their previous success.

He said: "I'm so excited to be working with Sarah again. I always try and resist writing for specific actors, for fear of heartbreak, but I couldn't keep Sarah out of my thoughts as I wrote this and I'm so delighted she was prepared to work with us again.

"She makes the worst lines sound good, and the slightly better lines sound amazing, and everything."

The new tell the story of a forgotten community who have hopes of a better future; regeneration, and much needed employment due to a large construction project . But an explosion, followed by a catastrophic collapse, leaves many dead, children included, and the community devastated.

The story centres on Polly and their daughter Leona, who now has a lifelong disability following the disaster.

As the show progresses, Polly is forced to hold the community together as anger and blame begins to brew.

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