Samantha Kenny has been dumped from the 'Love Island' villa.

Samantha Kenny has left the show

Samantha Kenny has left the show

The 26-year-old make-up artist has become the latest contestant to leave the TV show, after Grace Jackson chose to re-couple with her ex-boyfriend, Joey Essex.

After her exit was confirmed, Samantha said: "I was true to myself and didn't feel like it was a waste of my time because I followed what I felt was right for me."

Despite this, Samantha confessed to having some regrets about the time she spent with Joey.

Samantha suggested that Joey, 33, wasn't really her "type" and that their romance was always doomed to fail.

She said: "When it comes to Joey, I think if I knew what I know now, I perhaps would have done things differently.

"Ronnie’s more my type than Joey was, but I feel like Ronnie didn’t pursue anything with me because he didn’t want to go up against Joey."

Prior to entering the villa, Samantha admitted that she wears her "heart on her sleeve" and that she's "very opinionated".

The reality star also viewed the TV show as an "an amazing opportunity to meet someone that isn’t from my area".

Asked about the type of man she's looking for, Samantha explained: "I love a cockney boy so I’m hoping there is one in there for me.”

Although she hails from Liverpool, Samantha was eager to find a southern man.

She shared: "If I want a night out I go down to London as I love the boys down south. Tall, dark and cockney is my type."

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