Sabrina Vittoria’s ‘Love is Blind UK’ break-up left her on medication for depression and anxiety.

Sabrina Vittoria’s ‘Love is Blind UK’ break-up left her on medication for depression and anxiety

Sabrina Vittoria’s ‘Love is Blind UK’ break-up left her on medication for depression and anxiety

The 35-year-old got together with Steven Smith, 37, on the Netflix show, with married co-hosts Emma and Matt Willis branding them a “forever couple” at the time.

Sabrina and Steven were the first pair to get engaged without ever meeting as part of the show’s premise – and got married in September last year.

But she has now spoken about her trauma over splitting from Steven after only 86 days of marriage, with the news of their break-up emerging on a reunion special of the show on Monday. (26.08.24)

Sabrina was quoted in The Sun saying: “I had to process what I’d lost and that this was going to be on TV and you’re going through a marriage breakdown with the world watching. And that was really difficult.

“I ended up with diagnosed depression, I was put on anxiety medication for the first time in my life. I wasn't sleeping, I had really bad insomnia.

“I isolated myself from my friends because I was too embarrassed.”

Sabrina added Steven bailed on their relationship after they left ‘Love is Blind UK’.

She also claimed he flew to her home in Belfast only twice – and said he gave her just 48 hours notice he wouldn’t be with her at Christmas.

Sabrina went on: “When I married Steven, I married him with my full heart. But I married him based on words and promises we'd made. A lot of that did not translate in the real world.

“I’ve got a ‘Thank God I’m not married’ party in Greece in October where I have invited everyone that came to the wedding.”

Steven, who has been seeking an annulment to the marriage, defended himself by saying: “Up until the reunion, I thought everything was amicable, but that wasn’t the case.

“But obviously, people deal with pain differently.”