Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson is obsessed with watching 'The Great British Bake Off'.

The 'Twilight Saga' actor has swapped partying in Los Angeles for staying in and tuning into the TV baking competition because he would much rather put his feet up than go out, and he even makes sure he catches up on the show if he misses an episode.

According to a Yahoo omg! source, he said: "Everybody wants to believe that LA living means partying every night - but that isn't my reality.

"I know fans probably don't want to imagine their idols are at home doing unbelievably mundane things - but for most of the time that is probably the case. People are aware that I am not a big fan of the limelight - and I would much rather be at home.

"I really love 'The Great British Bake Off' - and have been watching on iPlayer. The BBC still make great TV - and this is one of their best shows in years."

The 27-year-old actor has become such a fan of the show it has even inspired him to start baking his own treats.

He added: "I think it has probably inspired me enough that I am going to take up baking - which makes me even less rock and roll than I am now!"

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