Richard Osman planned to pitch an idea for ‘Buckaroo: The Movie’ to Steven Spielberg the first time he met the director.

Richard Osman planned to pitch an idea for ‘Buckaroo: The Movie’ to Steven Spielberg the first time he met the director

Richard Osman planned to pitch an idea for ‘Buckaroo: The Movie’ to Steven Spielberg the first time he met the director

The former ‘Pointless’ co-host, 53, came up with the idea after he sold the rights to his first novel ‘The Thursday Murder Club’ to the ‘Schindler’s List’ filmmaker, and knew there would could a time when they crossed paths.

He said on his ‘The Rest is Entertainment’ podcast: “Do you know what? I had so many plans for when I met Spielberg.

“I was like, ‘Yeah, do you know what? I’m going to do that. I’m going to ask Spielberg (about) movies – I’m going to do that’.

“And the idea of pitching ‘Buckaroo: The Movie’ to him. Listen, there’ll be edits, there’ll be premieres.

“By that time we’ll be firmer friends and we can have the ‘Buckaroo’ chat.”

Richard also revealed how Steven, 77, dropped in on the filming set of ‘The Thursday Murder Club’, which is being produced by the Oscar-winner’s Amblin Entertainment company – but didn’t mention whether he gave his ‘Buckaroo’ pitch at the time.

He said: “Firstly, he just had that incredible presence. There’s certain people you meet where you go, ‘Oh my God, you’re Steven Spielberg’.

“It was so lovely seeing even the other actors were excited to be around him.

“I won’t say what anyone said, but Sir Ben Kingsley was talking to him about ‘Schindler’s List’ and their experience in such a beautiful way and he clearly loved Steven Spielberg.

“It was so gorgeous. Paul Freeman who was in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ – they were talking about that.

“People spotted me and then suddenly there’s Spielberg, who weirdly was hidden behind me, and everyone, all the actors, was so excited to see him.

“His relationship with (writer and director) Christopher Colombus is so lovely, they adore each other.

“It was honestly a dream and he was delightful. It was a beautiful sunny day and he was everything that you’d want him to be.”