Richard Cadell has suggested Sooty and Sweep couldn't have worked on the BBC.

Sooty, Sweep and Soo have stayed true with Richard Cadell
The 54-year-old star - who took over from creator Harry Corbett's son Matthew following his retirement in 1998 and bought the rights to the franchise a decade later - has weighed in on the mischievous character's longevity as the beloved bear turns 75 this week.
He told the Daily Star newspaper: "We have a little in-joke when we make this show for ITV and say, 'You'd never get away with this on CBeebies'.
"The only outlet for kids to see good old slapstick and pies in the face is 'The Sooty Show'.
"There's nothing funnier for a kid to see an adult - the role I play in it, effectively a parent - disgraced with a pie dripping down them, soaking in paint or baked beans."
Richard admitted the nature of the characters - which include Sooty, pooch sidekick Sweep and their panda pal Soo - mean they have more freedom.
He explained: "Because Sooty doesn't speak and Sweep squeaks it's all so gentle and done with kindness, there's no aggression. They get away with anything."
Richard pointed out that he, Harry and Matthew Corbett have "all had an equal tenure", and the spirit has stayed alive through its consistency.
He added: "What's incredible for me is the fact the material that Harry Corbett was doing with Sooty - the jokes, the slapstick, the routines - are exactly the same as Matthew was doing - and I am."
Meanwhile, he acknowledged that Sooty is always the star of the show, and working with him - which is a dream come true - brought its own set of pressures.
He explained: "The first time I walked on stage as Sooty's right hand man, the crowd didn't know who I was but they went ballistic.
"That's when I went, 'This is real. This little bear isn't part of me. They're not bothered about me.'
"I just knew I had a big responsibility."