Ralf Little is "not regretting" quitting medical school for an acting career amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Ralf Little

Ralf Little

The 40-year-old actor feels he "lucked out" after he changed his career, because he was originally studying to be a doctor before he landed his big break in 'The Royle Family'.

Appearing on 'Good Morning Britain' on Thursday (28.01.21), he said: "I guess I kind of lucked out really. I've got two NHS workers in my family and they're representing for the little clan. I chose, let's be honest, a much either path in life, just swanning around on a camera instead. I'm not particularly regretting it at this point."

Ralf dropped out of the University of Manchester when he was offered the role of Antony Royle in the hit show 'The Royle Family'.

While he was worried about his parent's reaction to his decision, as he has a number of NHS workers in his family, they were both "very supportive".

He recalled: "I was about five weeks into medical school and I was like, 'Guys, sit down. I'm gonna run something by you. It's a bit of an unorthodox career choice but uh ...' No, they were great.

"They were very supportive as they always have been. My brother's 10 years younger than me and he's a doctor now so my mum got one so she's happy."

The 'Death in Paradise' star praised his siblings on the front line during the coronavirus pandemic for being able to get on with the job.

Ralf added: "My sister is a nurse and my brother is a doctor and they're like, 'Yeah, this is what we do. We knew this was gonna be tough. Give us the right PPE, give us the right protection. Make sure we work hours that are safe for patients. Stop calling us lazy when we ask for proper pay and vote to protect us.'

"In terms of the job being dangerous, they have a certain stoic-ness. It's quite extraordinary really."

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