Piers Morgan has had his £650 golf clubs stolen from his car.

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan

The 'Good Morning Britain' presenter has offered a "handsome" reward to anyone who is able to relocate his "newish" Callaway Golf set after a sneaky thief broke into his vehicle and nabbed the posh irons along with his travel bag.

Taking to his Twitter account on Wednesday (08.05.18), the 54-year-old star said: "Many thanks to the cowardly little sh*t who broke into my car & stole my golf bag & clubs. They're these newish @CallawayGolf Rogues (below), so if anyone sees them offered for sale, let me know & you'll be handsomely rewarded. (sic)"

Piers concluded his tweet by threatening to "find" the criminal.

He said: "As for the thief, I'll find you."

Just last week, Piers was left appalled after he found out that the Big Ben London Marathon costume went missing from The Old Shades pub, where runner Lukas Bates, 30, went to celebrate completing the 26.2-mile race.

Lukas went viral when video footage of his 10ft costume's spire getting stuck on some of the finishing line's scaffolding was shared around the world - and Piers has offered to donate £1,000 to charity if the costume is returned to its owner.

He said at the time: "Where do you hide a 10ft high Big Ben?

"I am offering a £500 reward just enough to tempt people out to frame him. Whoever the thief is. Let's make it a thousand. I'll offer a thousand pound reward of my own money for the safe return of the Big Ben."

While it's not known what happened to the costume, Piers is "sickened" at the thought that someone could potentially steal the outfit after Lukas' charity run.

He said: "He runs 26 miles to the finishing line, we know what happens, this disaster, he crashes into the finishing line roof.

"So when you thought that couldn't get any worse, he finally gets under, goes to the pub to celebrate and while he's in the pub, someone nicks Big Ben. Gone.

"Imagine stealing Big Ben from a marathon runner. How sick have you got to be? If anyone has seen a large cardboard Big Ben can you please us and we will return it to this poor bloke who has run for charity."

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