Pasha Kovalev was addicted to iPhones and used to splash the cash on getting the latest model every time one came out.

Pasha Kovalev has revealed how he spends his money

Pasha Kovalev has revealed how he spends his money

The former 'Strictly Come Dancing' star has admitted he has a weakness for new technology and used to go all out to make sure he had the latest device in his pocket no matter how much it cost.

He told The Sunday Times newspaper: "I used to be obsessed with buying the latest iPhone. Whenever a new model came out I needed to have it. I look back and wonder what I was thinking."

However, Pasha has managed to ditch the habit and now only buys refurbished phones. He added: "Now I buy refurbished phones, which still have the same photographic and storage capabilities, so I don’t need to break the bank to support my phone addiction."

He went on to talk about some of his biggest spending extravagances - revealing he used to spend thousands treating his friends to luxury skiing holidays.

Pasha said: "I love travel, so on a few occasions I’ve spent a lot on Christmas skiing holidays to Aspen or Whistler or somewhere in France or Switzerland.

"The most I’ve spent on a single trip I went full out and rented a huge house for everyone — the final bill came to about £20,000.

"The house, drinks, food, everything. I did that for a number of years, but my friends felt a little uncomfortable, so they started to chip in."

He added of his main expenses: "Because of my background [growing up in the Soviet Union] I made a conscious decision to be happy to spoil myself on food, so I always buy organic. I’m not talking splashing out on a bucket of caviar and expensive vodka, but I never hold back on food."