'Most Haunted' star Yvette Fielding says it's time for scientists to "pull their fingers from their backsides and get a little bit more involved with the paranormal" and ultimately prove that ghosts exist.

Yvette Fielding wants scientists to take supernatural phenomenon seriously
The 56-year-old paranormal investigator has called for the scientific community to look to their forefathers from the past, eminent scientists like Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison, all of whom believed in an after-life and wanted to communicate with the dead.
Yvette says science is now taking UFO sightings seriously, so the same approach should be applied to spiritualism and ghosts.
Speaking to BANG Showbiz, she said: "Look at all the UFO stuff that is going on. In the ‘70s, ‘80s and even the ‘90s, if you believed in UFOs everybody laughed at you and thought you sat at home with a tinfoil hat on your head, didn’t they? Now it is all coming out. All this amazing footage, all this stuff is coming out, whistleblowers in America, how the CIA are involved, all of this amazing stuff, and it’s all coming out. I think in another 10 or 20 years people will go, ‘Oh my God and we laughed at those people.’
"I think it is the same with the paranormal, I think something will happen where it will be proved 100 per cent. Maybe scientists will pull their fingers from their backsides and maybe get a little bit more involved with the paranormal. You look at some of the great scientists in the past, (Albert) Einstein - energy cannot die. (Thomas) Edison really believed in life after death, so much so that he made a prototype called the ghost phone so that he could talk to dead people.
"Look at John Logie Baird who invented the television, the tube in the back of that was initially made to communicate with the dead, as was the telephone, they were spiritualists (Thomas A. ) Watson and (Alexander Graham) Bell, they thought there’s something in this. All these eminent scientists, with their amazingly intelligent brains, are you saying they were stupid because they believed in an after-life? That’s my argument."
Yvette and her husband Karl Beattie may have been investigating the paranormal and documenting their findings for over 20 years, but she still encounters a lot of sceptics who just don't want to even consider the reality that ghosts exist.
The former 'Blue Peter' presenter is happy to listen to dissenting opinions, but she cannot abide people who are rude and mock her spiritualist beliefs.
She said: "If you don’t believe in it that’s fine, everybody’s entitled to their own opinion. It’s when they’re rude about it. I’ve had people come up to me, I’ve had one celebrity – who I will not name – who actually looked me dead in the eye and said, ‘I think what you do is really stupid.’ I was like, ‘What?! Hang on a minute I’m a spiritualist, that’s my religion, you’re not going to go up to somebody else who has a different religion to yours and go, ‘I think what you believe in is stupid.’ You respect each other’s thought process, you respect each other’s religions and beliefs and faiths.
"As long as a cynic or sceptic comes with an open mind and is willing to investigate the paranormal and see for themselves then that’s great for me."
Yvette recently teamed up with home security company Ring to unveil the UK’s spookiest homes as captured in chilling detail on Ring cameras. The company recently called out for customers to send footage of possible paranormal encounters in their homes.
The request came following research commissioned by Ring that revealed 40 per cent of Brits believe in paranormal activity. Two thirds (68 per cent) that witnessed paranormal activity have experienced it more than twice, with 62 per cent of incidents occurring in the home.
After reviewing the evidence, Yvette narrowed down the entries to select one winning video and two runner ups. Rebecca Reeves from Preston’s video was deemed the spookiest, as a mysterious orb was caught gliding across her kitchen on her Ring device.
Yvette insists the prevalence of technology will mean that much more supernatural phenomenon is captured and documented.
She said: "It’s fabulous. I absolute love it. The amount of footage that I’m getting through is fantastic. This is a great way to spot paranormal activity, it’s not just visual, it’s audio as well. A lot of people are getting these disembodied voices coming through, which is fantastic.
“One of the videos that Ring and myself have put through is from Rose and Paul Lynch and they captured what they think is somebody saying ‘morning mate’. The difficult with this is because you can’t see his face I’m not saying that he’s done and they’re saying this is paranormal, it’s very difficult, you have to make sure that everything ticks the boxes. It’s just a wonderful example how you can on your Ring devices pick up on these voices. I’ve seen one recently on a Ring device doorbell where there’s nobody there whatsoever, you can hear a conversation going on, like whispering. For me I think it is fantastic. I think we’ll get more and more and more and we’ll see more. Not just ghosts but UFOs as well."
This Halloween, Ring and Yvette Fielding revealed chilling footage submitted by Ring customers following a search for the spookiest homes in the UK. She now shares top signs for knowing whether your home might be haunted.
Tagged in Yvette Fielding