The eleven incarnations of Doctor Who

The eleven incarnations of Doctor Who

Matt Smith is to be joined by former 'Doctor Who' stars Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Colin Baker at a 50th anniversary celebration of the show this November.

The 30-year-old actor has been announced as the special guest at the event which will celebrate half a century since the Time Lord first appeared on our TV screens on November 23, 1963.

The three-day extravaganza will be held at the ExCeL Centre in London from Friday November 22 to Sunday November 24 and will see Matt and the three ex-Doctors take part in a panel discussion about the BBC series and their memories of appearing in it.

Eleventh Doctor Matt - who has announced he is leaving the show in this year's Christmas special - said: "The event this year will be an extra special occasion for me, I'm truly looking forward to a huge celebration with the fans in the lead up to the 50th anniversary episode."

More special guests are to be announced in the coming weeks, and other confirmed attractions include a special effects show hosted by 'Doctor Who' special effects expert Danny Hargreaves. and walk-like-a-monster master classes choreographer Ailsa Burke.

Tickets go on general sale at 11am on Monday July 8 and for more information got to