2022 is lining up to be a great year for Marvel, with films such as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Black Panther: Wakanda Forever releasing later in the year. However, Marvel fans seem preoccupied with the Studio’s upcoming small screen venture...
Moon Knight is a new Marvel and Disney+ series, starring Oscar Isaac (Ex Machina, Dune) in the titular role. The show is slated to release at the end of March this year (2022) and, with the trailer released, fans cannot wait to meet Marc Spector, or Steven, or whatever other personality Moon Knight has hidden away...
The trailer for Moon Knight was released only four days ago as of today (January 22nd, 2022), on January 18th, 2022. Within the first 24 hours of its release, the video amassed around 75 million views altogether; 53 million from online views, and 23 million from its debut television broadcast.
These stats surpass the viewing numbers of other Marvel and Disney+ projects such as Loki (60 million), WandaVision (52 million) and the most recently-released series, Hawkeye (41.5 million).
Moon Knight was first introduced into the Marvel Comics in Werewolf by Night #32, which was released in 1975. The character is known to have multiple personalities, one of which has been a boxer, a marine, and a CIA operative.
He is a character with so much to give, and introducing him into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) via his own series is a very smart move from Marvel; fans clearly can’t get enough of Moon Knight already, with news of the trailer trending on Twitter for a short while.
The Marvel series will follow Isaac’s Moon Knight who, by day, lives under the name Steven Grant. When this seemingly regular man gets a mysterious phone call from a woman calling him Marc, the truth begins to unravel and Marc (or Steven) must fight his way through to his past.
As well as the trailer being incredibly popular, Moon Knight also received a high number of tags on social media, accumulating a total (thus far) of over 263,000 mentions.
It is clear that this forthcoming show has already captured the attention of millions of Marvel fans worldwide, and will likely be a huge hit upon release.
Moon Knight will be streaming exclusively on Disney+ on March 30th, 2022.
Written by Melissa, who you can follow on Twitter @melissajournal
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Tagged in Marvel Disney Oscar Isaac