Luke Pasqualino has been killed off in 'Our Girl'.

Michelle Keegan as Georgie Lane
The 27-year-old hunk won't be returning to the army drama next year after his alter-ego Elvis Harte dramatically died in a bomb explosion - just moments after he proposed to his on/off partner Georgie Lane (Michelle Keegan) - while on a mission.
Fans were hoping that Georgie and Elvis were set for a happy ever after when the hunky solider asked his former flame - who he gilted on their wedding day during series two - to marry him after they declared their love for one another and had sex.
Georgie said: "I know I'm never going to get rid of you. Never let me down again."
But their world came crashing down when they waved goodbye to one another after they were ambushed by Afghans and Elvis went to explore a suspicious rooftop.
However, he was thrown off the building when a bomb went off while a heartbroken Georgie watched from afar and she rushed over to try and save him.
Michelle later took to her Twitter account to share a photograph of her and Luke working on set and wrote: "Season 1 finished! Thankyou so much for all your lovely comments. Feel very lucky to be part of such a great show. #elvisandgeorgieforever"
She then confirmed that the show would return in 2018 and will see her character deployed to Nigeria but, following the death of her lover, her life will never be the same.
She said: "FIRST LOOK IMAGE: Corporal Georgie Lane lands herself in jeopardy like never before in #OurGirl - Nigeria Tour. Coming next year to @BBCOne. (sic)"
Meanwhile, fans have taken to their social networking sites to vent their anger and sadness over the fact that Luke won't be returning to the show next year.
Tagged in Michelle Keegan