Katie Piper has hit out at internet trolls over vile comments.

Katie Piper has hit back at internet trolls over cruel comments
The TV presenter, 38, was left with life-changing injuries to her face in 2008 after suffering an acid attack aged 24, and the model – who was awarded an OBE for her services to charity and burns victims – underwent 250 surgeries in less than a decade.
Katie has managed to maintain a positive outlook in spite of the harrowing attack, and she stands up to internet trolls who target her on a daily basis.
She told the Daily Mirror newspaper: “As soon as I had an internet presence I was trolled all the time. It’s the modern version of the toilet wall at school. I always say, ‘Hurt people, hurt people’. I’m really glad I don’t come from that place of anger and hurt.
“I get something every day and sometimes it is good to challenge people’s views. It’s really disappointing.
“If social media had a policy where you use your passport to sign up and you get verified and you can’t be an egg and abuse people, then we might see some change.”
Founder of The Katie Piper foundation, the star admits at times she’s anxious when appearing on the news because of what people might say.
She added: “I dread doing mainstream stuff like the news. Who is anybody to comment on someone’s appearance? It’s not up to you to do that.
“That one person is having a ripple effect on thousands of people.
“When you go on telly and that’s the reaction, you’re just showing people, who aren’t at your stage that’s what can happen. In the beginning it was crushing, my self-esteem was really low but I’m not in that place any more and I can cope with it.”
Tagged in Katie Piper