Jodie Whittaker admits she feels "protective" about how her 'Doctor Who' run ended.

Jodie Whittaker is 'protective' over Doctor Who ending

Jodie Whittaker is 'protective' over Doctor Who ending

The actress feels a special attachment to the closing scenes of 'The Power of the Doctor' featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and companion Yasmin Khan (Mandip Gill), with the characters' relationship not progressing any further after Yas confessed her feelings for the Time Lord.

Speaking ahead of their Big Finish audio series debut, Jodie told "I’m quite protective over it. It was a really beautiful thing, particularly the scenes in the TARDIS - they were really wonderful to shoot, because that was our last day.

"And so we shot those and then went and sat on top of the TARDIS and then shot in isolation, straight after that, the moment of regeneration.

"And I think those beats, even though, story-wise, they don't run all together, for us, because that's how we shot it, it felt like a beautiful progression within the dynamic and the relationship that they had. And I think also it's just, never say never! We’ve got adventures to do."

Meanwhile, Mandip joked that she was quite glad they didn't kiss.

She quipped: "I’m not entirely sad [that there wasn’t a kiss] because Jodie doesn’t moisturise her lips!

"I don't think of it as another version. That is the version. That's where we left it. That's how it happened."

Jodie teased: "We could be [kissing] in the background."

The 'Thirteenth Doctor Adventures' will be released from July 2025.

Announcing the news, Whittaker previously said she was "over the moon" to be returning to the role.

She said in a statement: "I’m over the moon to be joining Big Finish for more adventures in the TARDIS. Recording the Thirteenth Doctor and Yaz is a really lovely thing to revisit.

"One of the things Mandip and I used to love on Doctor Who was getting in, doing a new episode and meeting a brand new cast."