James Whale's wife has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

James Whale
The 66-year-old radio presenter has revealed he found out late last year that his spouse Melinda - whom he has been married to for almost 50 years - has just months to live after doctors discovered she was battling stage four lung cancer.
Speaking to the Mail Online, James said: "Melinda has stage four lung cancer, it is terminal. She is not expected to live very long, it may be weeks or months. She is having treatment, and I cannot give up that last glimmer of hope.
"But the doctors say I have to face facts. She is dying. The thought of losing her is so painful, it is difficult to even contemplate."
Melinda went to her GP back in September with a cough but when the prescribed antibiotics failed to work, she was sent for a chest X-ray where doctors found the disease on her lungs.
She said: "When I saw the radiographer's face I immediately knew something was wrong. The next day, I was told I needed further tests. By the time I was told it was cancer in December, I already knew. Don't ask me how, but I did.
"I have stage four lung cancer with secondary cancer scattered here, there and everywhere. It's in my bones, my spine and my lymph glands. It's gone ping, all over the place. It was such a huge shock."
Now the businesswoman - who has gone from "perfect health" to sleeping all day - is undergoing immunotherapy in an attempt to extend her life by another year after being told she has only three months to live.
She said: "You don't get your head around something like this. You just don't, how can you? I'm extremely scared - leaving James, leaving the dogs, leaving the children and the grandchildren."
James - who was also diagnosed with kidney cancer 18 years ago - has moved his radio studio into his home so he can continue working while caring for his wife.