Jacqueline Jossa believes a "guardian angel" was present during her recent robbery ordeal.

Jacqueline Jossa thinks a guardian angel was watching over her during her robbery ordeal

Jacqueline Jossa thinks a guardian angel was watching over her during her robbery ordeal

The 31-year-old actress was in a holiday villa in Marbella, Spain with her husband Dan Osborne, 33, and their daughters Ella, nine, Mia, five, as well as her stepson Teddy, 10, when she awoke to find two men in balaclavas ransacking the place but thinks a higher power stopped her from instantly landing herself in harm's way.

She told The Sun newspaper's TVBiz column: "I truly believe in guardian angels. Something kept me from going out straight away. Had I done I could have been blocking his way.

"He would have had to move around me, push me downstairs or use a weapon.

“We saw it on CCTV. There was something very long and sharp in his hand.”

The 'EastEnders' star lost her £7,000 diamond engagement ring and a Cartier bracelet and ring in the raid and while she could "wail and cry" about the incident, is just focusing on the fact that she and her family all ended up safe.

She added: "I could wail and cry about the ring, and obviously I am gutted about it.

“But I believe in a higher power.

"We let the kids stay up later to watch a film after dinner.

"They asked if they could sleep in the room downstairs.

"Luckily, Dan changed his mind and said everyone just sleep upstairs all on one level.

“He said, ‘I don’t like the thought of you being down here on your own’. Thank God, that happened."

Police in Malaga are now investigating the incident but the former 'I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!' winner just recalled being "in shock" as the drama unfolded and her husband went looking for the robbers just before they sped off into a getaway car.

Jac added: "I was in shock. So I followed him and peered over the stairs just to make sure I had seen it properly.

“Then I could hear a kerfuffle, like the men were trying to get out of the house. So I instantly ran to wake Dan.

“He grabbed a cue from the pool table. There wasn’t much else he could do.”