'This Morning' star Holly Willoughby and her husband Dan Baldwin have been told they cannot extend their £3 million six-bedroom home.

Holly Willoughby
The couple wanted to add a first-floor side and rear extension to their Edwardian London house but several local residents objected to the plans and lodged letters of complaint outlining their concerns with the local council, stating that the building work and the change in the property would affect the area.
Holly, 40, and Dan, 46, originally wanted to build a two-storey extension but those plans that were rejected five years ago. Following that decision the pair lodged an appeal and when that was dismissed by a planning inspector they submitted plans for the one-storey extension in April.
According to The Sun newspaper, this extension has been refused due to fire safety and "design and heritage" reasons.
In total, Holly and Dan - who have three children, Harry, 12, Belle, 10, and six-year-old Chester, together - have made 14 planning applications since they purchased the property for £2.8 million in 2011.
A planning officer ruled: "The proposal by reason of its combined height, siting, width and depth contributes to an excessive scale and level of massing which would be an inappropriate and unsympathetic form of development harmful to the character and appearance of the host building ... causing less than substantial harm to the character and appearance of the conservation area.
"The benefits put forward are not considered to outweigh the identified harm."
It was Holly and Dan's 14th planning application since buying the property for £2.8million in 2011.
Tagged in Holly Willoughby