The Walking Dead delivered its greatest and most-talked about cliffhanger at the end of the last season.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan / Credit: AMC
Captured by Negan and his group of Saviours, Rick and co were to be punished for taking out some of Negan's followers in their travels. That meant Negan would take out one of Rick's group with his barbed wire baseball bat Lucille as payment for the lives lost. Exactly who died however wasn't to be revealed until the series returns.
After shooting three episodes of the upcoming seventh season, producer Greg Nicotero said in an interview with Digital Spy: "The next season is a very different Walking Dead from the one we are accustomed to.
"I think that people will enjoy that the show continues to change direction and doesn't just deliver the same thing over and over again.
"It's the logical place where our show should go. We close one chapter and open a whole new chapter."
Nicotero also promised some changes to the Negan sequence, explaining: "I don't think we would be doing the material justice if we just regurgitated it word for word.
"There are iconic moments, and there are things that we will pay tribute to, and even if we don't do it exactly the same way that we find it in the comic book, we will find a way for fans of the graphic novel to feel like they are getting their money's worth."
The Walking Dead returns to AMC in the US and FOX in the UK later this year.
Tagged in The Walking Dead