Krishnan Guru-Murthy appeared on 'Lorraine' wearing a jacket safety pinned at the back, after losing so much weight on 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy's delight over Strictly Come Dancing weight loss

Krishnan Guru-Murthy's delight over Strictly Come Dancing weight loss

The 53-year-old newsreader was caught out on the ITV show when stand-in host Ranvir Singh - who was stepping in for Lorraine Kelly - spotted the back of his blazer had been pinned together to make it tighter.

Ranvir said: "Can I just say, that jacket looks very loose on you."

She then stood up and inspected the back of Krishnan's jacket.

A shocked Ranvir said: "It’s all pinned at the back!

"See how much weight this man has lost? It’s got safety pins down the back - it doesn’t fit you anymore!"

Ranvir then asked Krishnan to turn around and show the viewers his safety pinned jacket.

A chuckling Krishnan then said: "You weren’t supposed to see that."

Krishnan then showed Ranvir the notch on his belt, which is seven holes apart from the one he used to use before he started his 'Strictly' journey.

He joked: "I’m keeping this belt forever."

Krishnan also admitted his weight loss has been beneficial for his genetic heart condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease of the heart muscle, where the muscle wall of a person's heart becomes thickened.

Speaking about 'Strictly', he said: "It’s all been very good for me.

"I came with all sorts of fears about my health and it turned out to be nonsense, and it’s all been really good for me because obviously being a bit lighter and healthier generally is always good for heart health.

"I never understood what people meant and I thought that was all nonsense when they said they had learned loads about themselves ... I thought, ‘How can you learn lots about yourself doing 'Strictly'?’

"And it turns out you can."