Gok Wan says his dream is to live abroad.

Gok Wan has many plans after turning 50, including living abroad

Gok Wan has many plans after turning 50, including living abroad

The former ‘How To Look Good Naked’ host - who recently turned 50 - isn’t interested in slowing his life down and has many ambitions he wants to fulfil, including relocating to another country and maybe even develop his musical career further.

In an interview with OK! magazine, Gok - who was born in Leicester to an English mother and Chinese father - said: “Maybe not! I’d also like to move to another country for a while, and maybe start a business. I would like give up fashion, but there are other areas I’d like to explore. I feel like I’ve only just scratched the surface with the music and there are artists who really inspire me who I’d love to work with, so that might be on the list.”

Gok admitted that he might actually have “regrets” - such as not spending enough time with his loved ones - after declaring he didn’t have any for years.

He said: “I spent my whole life saying, ‘No, I don’t have any regrets,’ but then I realised I was just quoting some affirmation! So actually, there are regrets, but they come from a positive place and they’ve made me action things in my life. So maybe putting my job and not my family first is a regret, but it made me stop and make time for family. Now that I’m older and wiser, I’ve started regretting, but I only allow myself to regret the stuff I can do positive things about.”

Now he is 50, Gok admits he would tell the younger version of himself to “stop worrying” and just get on with it.

He said: “Yes, probably to stop worrying about everything and just get on and live. Be present in your life, because the only stuff you worry about is stuff that either hasn’t happened yet, or isn’t going to happen, so you’re filling your life with anxiety. I think I’ve done that all my life but as I’ve got older, I’ve taught myself not to do it as much.”

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