Georgia 'Toff' Toffolo has vowed to sex-up British politics.

Georgia 'Toff'
The 23-year-old TV star has revealed her ambition to bring some glamour to the Conservative Party by wearing a bikini and her blonde hair extensions on TV.
Making reference to former London Mayor Boris Johnson, Toff - who has recently become a presenter on 'This Morning' - explained: "Why can't I be called 'Boris in a bikini'?
"There's no reason why I can't have blonde hair extensions, wear a bikini and talk politics at the same time. I love that I'm glamming up the Conservative Party."
But the presenter admits that her charm almost risked national security when Prime Minster Theresa May recently appeared on the ITV show.
Toff revealed that she spent so long gossiping with the politician's personal bodyguard that she was distracting him from his real job.
Speaking to the Daily Star newspaper, Toff - who has rubbished rumours that she's planning to run for political office - explained: "I just thought it was so cool to have on the show.
"I didn't meet her but I did collar her security guard for a while. Then I got a bit of a telling off for talking to him too much.
"Apparently I was distracting him from his duty and trying to get all the dirty details about working with her and then one of our producers came and told me off for nattering away too much in the corridor."
Toff is campaigning to encourage more young people to vote, although she doesn't intend to impose her own beliefs on other people.
She shared: "I just want young people to have a voice and be represented. I get a bit of stick for my political views, but for me that's great because it means people are getting involved.
"I won't be shouting about my personal opinions on policies or Brexit, but I will be shouting about voter regsistration."
Tagged in Boris Johnson