Georgia 'Toff' Toffolo doesn't think she's "clever" enough to go into politics.

Georgia 'Toff' Toffolo
The 'Made in Chelsea' star developed a close bond with the Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's father Stanley Johnson while they were competing on 'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!' last year - and during that time they had numerous discussions about the government - but she's adamant she'd never be able to go into parliament.
Speaking on 'This Morning', she said: "There have been a lot of crossover with celebrities and politics but to me, I don't think I would go into politics. Perhaps when I'm a lot older. I don't think I'm intelligent to become an MP! I have my opinions but to go into politics you have to be very clever, which I'm not!
"I think you have to have really thick skin to be in politics - which I just lack. I think I'm just too nice! So, I don't think I fancy being the Prime Minister. The celebrity cross over into politics, is a massive thing which I don't suppose anyone envisaged. However, it's the way things are going. My following on Instagram is bigger than any leader of any political party! So it's mind blowing. The power of social media is so strong."
And, although they've now gone back to their normal lives, the 23-year-old beauty is still in touch with Stanley, 77, and he even called her while he was in a car wash recently.
She explained: "I have kept in touch with Stanley. I like Stanley so much, we are going for supper. I have to call him back actually, I've been so naughty! He's so sweet.
"He called me the other day and he was shouting. I said: 'Where are you?' And he replied: 'IN THE CAR WASH!' He's just so classic."
Toff's career has rocketed since she was crowned the queen of the jungle last year and she has admitted she's really struggled to adjust to her new-found higher level of fame.
She added: "It's never been like this before, being followed and having people sat outside my house! But it goes hand in hand with what I do and all the lovely things. But it is an enormous change, the scrutiny and everyone staring at me."
Tagged in Boris Johnson