Gemma Collins wants to be reincarnated as a Victoria's Secret model.

Gemma Collins wants to be reincarnated as Victoria's Secret model

Gemma Collins wants to be reincarnated as Victoria's Secret model

The 43-year-old reality TV star revealed she believes in reincarnation, the belief that the soul or spirit, after biological death, begins a new life in a new physical form or body, and she has high hopes to come back as a supermodel.

She told the Daily Star newspaper: "I believe in reincarnation, absolutely. I really believe that’s what happens. We’re all spirits and we will all go on.

"Let’s hope next time God brings me back as a Victoria’s Secrets model. I’d love to see what it’s like to be that slim, tall and amazing.

"I hope he’ll give me that pleasure in life and I’ll experience how it feels.”

Gemma is very spiritual and has previously consulted with a shaman and psychic.

She said: "I’m very spiritual and I’m very into the spiritual realm.”

Gemma is also convinced she has supernatural tendencies herself and believes she could be a witch or a prophet.

She said: "I think I’m a witch because I’m very connected to nature. The difference between white witches and dark witches is that a white witch is very spiritual, into nature and can make magic happen. That is me. Dark witches focus on dark magic, black magic and all kinds of horrible things. I don’t believe white witches have warts on them either, or pointy noses.

"“I honestly think I was put on the Earth to be some sort of prophet. It is something I will talk about in time.

‌“I have endured pain and suffering in my life, things haven’t always been easy, I have suffered. And now I can help people in their lives.”

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