Gemma Collins

Gemma Collins

Gemma Collins will appear on ITV's next series of celebrity diving show 'Splash!'.

'The Only Way is Essex' star will apparently join the 2014 series of the show, and sources believe she will boost ratings because viewers will want to see her leap from the 10 metre high board.

A source told the Daily Star newspaper: "Gemma is a brilliant signing - she is a very big personality and will definitely make a very big splash. There's no doubt she will boost ratings. If she does a belly flop from a high board she could empty the pool."

The 32-year-old boutique owner is keen to shed a few extra pounds before she squeezes her voluptuous frame into a revealing swimsuit for the show.

A friend of the star said: "Gem is very comfortable with her body. But she wants to lose a little weight before the show begins."

However, Gemma recently admitted that she's happy with her curves and has learnt to accept her body shape.

She said earlier this year: "Right now I'm a size 20 but I'm feeling great and learning to embrace my shape. This is me and I'm just going to accept that and enjoy life."

The ITV Saturday night programme, which will grace screens in January, sees Olympic bronze medal winner Tom Daley teach a group of celebrities the art of diving.

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